Veneers – Austin, TX

Dramatically Transform Your Smile

While watching a red-carpet event, you probably admire the beautiful smiles your favorite celebrities have. Do you ever wish your pearly whites were as flawless as theirs? Here’s some good news for you – you can easily accomplish that with veneers in Austin! Dr. Burton can transform your grin into one that’ll make you feel like a star with this cosmetic dentistry service. To find out if this option is right for you, continue reading or give our office a call today!

What Are Dental Veneers?

veneers in Austin on a table

Veneers are ultra-thin sheaths of dental-grade porcelain that are attached to the front-facing portions of teeth using dental cement. Each custom-made shell is designed to mask almost any dental imperfection, including staining, discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, and misalignment. Because the material is stain-resistant, you can enjoy a bright smile for years to come! In fact, your result can easily last well over a decade with proper care and maintenance.

The Process of Getting Veneers

patient getting veneers in Austin

The first step on your journey towards a new and improved smile is a consultation with Dr. Burton. During your visit, she’ll assess your oral health and inquire about your goals to determine whether or not this option is right for you. Afterward, you’ll be scheduled for the first phase of treatment.

In preparation for veneer placement, your teeth will be cleaned, and a small amount of enamel will be removed to ensure the restorations sit properly against the teeth. Digital impressions of your mouth are taken and sent to a trusted dental laboratory for the creation of your final veneers. There, it will take the technicians a few weeks to ensure your veneers are the right size, shape, and color.

Once we get your permanent veneers, you’ll return to the office to have them placed. We’ll permanently bond each shell to your teeth and polish your smile when we’re done. You’ll be ready to flash your stunning new grin that very same day!

The Benefits of Veneers

patient smiling after getting veneers in Austin

Because of its many incredible benefits, it’s easy to why veneers in Austin are a popular cosmetic treatment. Some of those advantages include:

  • Fast and natural-looking results
  • Transformation in as little as two appointments
  • Minimally invasive treatment
  • Improvement in the color, size, shape, and proportion
  • Durable and long-term solution

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Learning cost of veneers in Austin

The cost of veneers in Austin is different for every person. When scheduling a consultation with our team, we will formulate your estimate based on various factors that must be considered such as how many veneers you will need, the materials used to create the veneers, and if you require any preliminary treatments before receiving your veneers. But even before reaching that stage, it’s important that you identify if veneers are right for you. Considered a semi-permanent cosmetic solution because of its irreversible prepping of your tooth enamel, you’ll want to make sure this type of treatment is what you really want.

Cost vs. Cosmetic Dentistry: What’s Right for Me?

A shade guide for veneers in Austin

If you’re looking to completely transform your appearance, there’s no better way to do it than with dental veneers in Austin. However, there are other options you can consider as well, each with a  different price point:

  • Veneers: Capable of changing the size, shape, and color of your teeth, veneers are a transformative way to see a new you. Taking two appointments to complete, it does require the removal of some tooth enamel and cannot be reversed. With proper care, they can last 10+ years, but they are a more expensive option.
  • Invisalign: Designed to straighten crooked, gapped, or overcrowded teeth, Invisalign is a great option if you’re concerned about the aesthetics and function of your smile. Costing thousands of dollars, they can only change the alignment of your teeth, not the shape, size, or color.
  • Metal-Free Dental Restorations: If faced with a decayed or damaged tooth, metal-free dental crowns are a great way to protect your smile. However, if you’re looking to hide flaws, you’ll spend much more pursuing dental crowns for each tooth.
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding: Using composite resin that is color-matched to your smile, cosmetic dental bonding is a quick, easy, and affordable way to hide minor imperfections. Completed in just one appointment, you can enjoy a more beautiful smile in less time and with more money in your pocket. However, it does not last as long as veneers, so you’ll need follow-up care over time.
  • Teeth Whitening: Brightening your teeth with whitening products can be a quick and easy way to transform your appearance, but it only changes the color, not the size or shape. Also, teeth whitening does require touch-ups over time but is quite affordable.
  • Smile Makeovers: A smile makeover is one of the more expensive treatment options because it’s typically recommended when patients have multiple imperfections that need to be addressed. Highly effective at improving appearances, it can require more of your time and money to see results.

How to Make Veneers Affordable

Financing blocks in Austin

Since dental insurance companies are unlikely to pay for cosmetic treatments like veneers, it’s important that you have a plan when it comes to paying for treatment. At Magnolia Family Dentistry of Austin, we are pleased to partner with CareCredit, a third-party financier that offers low-to-no-interest payment plans and no surprise fees. You can easily stay within your budget while paying off your veneer treatment.

Veneers FAQs

tweezers and veneers

Before you commit to getting veneers near South Austin, you probably have some questions about the treatment. That makes sense because it’s a significant decision not to be made lightly. Fortunately, we’re here to erase any doubts from your mind so you can confidently move forward with the process. We’ve compiled a list of responses to common questions patients ask us about veneers. If you don’t see your question on the list below, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for an answer!

How Many Veneers Will I Need?

The “right” number of veneers varies depending on each person’s unique smile needs. The goal of this treatment is for all your visible teeth to match. Many people get 6-8 veneers to create a beautiful, symmetrical smile. Others might need as many as 10-12. Also, veneers can often benefit people who need to cover just a single cracked or broken tooth.

What Can I Eat with Veneers?

At the end of your initial visit with your cosmetic dentist in Austin, you’ll receive temporary veneers to protect your prepared teeth while you wait for your permanent ones to be made. During this period, you’ll need to avoid hard foods like ice, raw fruits and vegetables, or candy because they can damage your temporary restorations. The good news is once your permanent veneers are in place, you won’t need to be quite as cautious anymore. However, it’s still a good idea to be careful when eating sticky, dark-colored, crunchy, hot, or cold foods and drinks. Plus, you’ll want to drink alcohol sparingly because it can weaken the bonding material holding your restorations in place.

How Are Veneers Different Than Crowns?

While veneers only attach to the front of teeth, crowns cover an entire tooth. Veneers are primarily used for cosmetic purposes or minor shape corrections when the tooth is mostly intact. In contrast, crowns protect worn or cracked teeth or restore those that have undergone a root canal. Also, veneers are only about one millimeter thick, while crowns are usually twice as thick. Finally, veneers typically don’t show a gum margin after several years like crowns often do.

Are Veneers Permanent?

Since veneers eventually require replacement, they’re not considered permanent. However, the process of getting them is irreversible. In preparation, our cosmetic dentist near South Lamar will remove a thin layer of enamel to ensure successful treatment. But unlike hair and nails, the enamel will never grow back. That’s why when teeth are prepared this way, they will always need to be covered with veneers or crowns.